Friday 26 May 2017

Hawthorn Jelly

Food in England, Dorothy Hartley, p. 440

1 lb ripe hawthorn berries
1/2 pint, plus, water
(optional: red apple parings)
Sugar (see recipe for quantity)

  1. NOTE: recipe can be easily adjusted to fit the quantity of fruit you have.
  2. Wash the fruit. Simmer in the water until the fruit becomes soft. Mash them down often during the cooking.
  3. When all the fruit is completely soft, hang in a jelly bag overnight to drip.
  4. Measure the juice and for every pint of juice, add 1 lb of sugar.
  5. Simmer slowly in a preserving pan until the sugar has dissolved completely, then bring to a rapid boil until the jelly sets (use the frozen plate test or candy thermometre).
  6. Put in pots and preserve as usual.

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