Friday 28 October 2016

Untested - Bottled Apples

Food in England, Dorothy Hartley, p 414

"Peel, quarter, core, and drop at once into clear water with a squeeze of lemon juice in it. Pack into jars, fill up with syrup and proceed as usual. A pleasant change is made by cooking blackberries in a jar until the juice runs, and using this to fill up the apple jars. Another is made by adding a quince, or some quince seeds may be put into the jars."

Apples – cleaned and quartered, core removed.  If you’re worried about them browning, toss the cut pieces in a bit of lemon juice (I tend to work fast and skip the lemon).  6 pounds will make about 5 pints.
Light Syrup (dissolve 3/4 cups of sugar in 6 cups of water – or 10% by weight).  This will make enough for approximately 9 pints of pears; I tend to make a bit extra in case I’ve measured my pears wrong.
1 tablespoon of brandy or Calvados per jar (this will be added at the end so none will be wasted)
OPTIONAL - blackberry juice, quince or quince seeds

  1. Bring simple syrup to a boil.
  2. Carefully place pear slices in the boiling solution.  Wait 5 minutes.
  3. While still hot, add pears to clean, sterile pint jars.  Top with syrup and gently move jar to release any air bubbles (I use oven mitts).
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of Whisky per jar.
  5. Add liquid to leave a 1/2 inch headspace.
  6. Process pints for 20 minutes in a hot-water bath.

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