Wednesday 2 November 2016

Testing - Apple Pudding

Food in England, Dorothy Hartley, p 417

1 - I am perplexed. This is an odd dessert, and Dorothy's parenthetical comment that this is now called apple amber does not help. All examples of apple amber, English and Irish both, instruct to line the pie dish with the crust, separate the egg to mix the yolk with the apple and make a fluffy meringue to top it. This is not at all how I read Dorothy's recipe, yet it makes more sense. I mashed the cooked apples until they were not quite smooth and no longer chunky, and whisked in the whole eggs, but only used 1 lemon, not 2. It was very odd. While still warm it tasted like scrambled eggs with apple, and the next day, while a bit more custardy, it wasn't great. I'll research a bit more. I like covering it with crust instead of lining it, but from what I understand about making custards, it would mean I'd separate the eggs and only use the yolks for the custard.

"Apple Pudding, 1700 (now called apple amber)
"Peel and quarter eight gold-runnets, or twelve golden-pippins; cast them into water, in which boil them as you do for Apple sauce; sweeten them with loaf sugar, squeeze in them two lemons, and grate in their peels; beat eight eggs, and beat them all together; pour it into a dish, cover with puff-paste, and bake it an hour in a slow oven."

1 recipe of sweet pie crust
2 lbs (6 med.) cooking apples, peeled, cored and grated chopped
1⁄4 cup butter
2 Tbsps - 1⁄4 cup of sugar
2 1 lemons, for the juice AND the grated rind
8 eggs yolks
  1. Preheat oven to 325F.
  2. In a pot, add a few Tbsps of water and then the apple and butter. Bring to a boil and cook the apple as if you were making apple sauce. Depending on the texture you want, either mash with a potato masher to retain some texture or press through a food mill for a smoother texture. 
  3. Add the sugar, lemon juice and rind.
  4. Thoroughly whisk the eggs then beat them into the apple mash.
  6. Cover with the pie crust, and poke a few hole with a knife of fork to allow steam to escape through the crust instead of just around the rim.
  7. Bake for about an hour.

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