Friday 13 October 2017

Foie de porc braisé (Braised Pork Liver)

French Country Cooking, Elizabeth David, p. 85

2 - 3 slices of bacon, cut into lardons
6-7 slices bacon, whole
Lots of black pepper
2-3 lb pig's liver
1/2 cup white wine
Enough chicken stock to just cover the liver (what would it be like with pork bone stock) stock
6 carrots en julienne
1 onion, whole
1 bay leaf
? tsp thyme
? Tbsp parsley
7 peppercorns
1 clove garlic

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2. Roll the lardons in the gound black pepper.
  3. Remove the skin and tubes from the liver but keep it whole.
  4. Make incisions all over the liver and insert the lardons.
  5. To a ? x ? casserole dish fitted with a lid (just big enough for a 2-3 lb liver to achieve ideal braising conditions), line with 4-5 slices of bacon. Pour over the wine and stock.
  6. Stick the onion with the cloves.
  7. Surround the liver with the onion, carrots and herbs. 
  8. Place another slice or two of bacon on top of the liver, cover the casserole and simmer in the oven for about 30-45 minutes or the internal temperature reaches 160F.
  9. Once cooked, remove any excess fat from the braising liquid, strain it off into a small saucepan and reduce it by half. Once reduced, add a walnut of butter and whisk together. 
  10. Pour the sauce over the liver and serve immediately. 

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