Saturday 14 October 2017

Sous Fassoun (Stuffed cabbage à la mode de Grasse)

Elizabeth David, French Country Cooking, p.98

1 large white cabbage
2 oz rice (white or brown?)
2 oz ground pork sausage
3 oz bacon
1/2 lb minced pig's liver
1/2 lb fresh green peas
1 lettuce heart
2 leeks, finely chopped
?? egg yolks
?? tsp salt
?? tsp pepper
?? tsp mace
?? tsp nutmeg
1 garlic clove, crushed
?? Beef slices
?? cubed raw ham or bacon
1 pig's foot (if salted, soak to remove salt)
6 carrots
6 small turnips
Bouquet garni of thyme, parsley, rosemary and bayleaf
1 cup rich stock
Optional: tomato sauce

  1. Set a large pot to boil and drop in the whole cabbage for 5 minutes. Drain and allow to cool.
  2. Mix together the ingredients listed up to the ??Herbs in a large bowl.
  3. Keep in mind that the recipe from this point on has as its goal smearing each leaf with some of the mixture and reconstituting the cabbage head into a ball to cook. To this aim:
  4. Remove all the cabbage leaves and lay them out in rows by size.
  5. Smear each leaf with the same thickness of meat mixture.
  6. Lay the leaves one on top of the other, wrapping each in the last, to, as close as possible, reform a ball.
  7. Lay the beef and pork and the remaining veg and bouquet garni in a deep casserole and lay the ball of stuffed leaves in the centre. Pour over the cup of stock.
  8. Bake in a (extremely slow)F oven for 2 to 3 hours.
  9. If serving with a tomato sauce, serve it separately so that each person can add some sauce on top of their portion.

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